“My Journey” Groups
Wednesday nights January 22 - March 26

Weekly Schedule:
Food & Fellowship: 6:00 PM – 6:30 PM
All groups meet: 6:30 PM – 7:45 PM
Available Journey Groups:
Journey Kids’ Club
Leader: Crystal Collins
Journey Kids’ Club is a high-energy ministry environment for kids ages birth – 5th grade that creates fun and engaging opportunities for them to learn about Jesus. We will connect kids to God’s Word, their leaders, and their friends.
Journey Students
Leader: Zach Carmichael
Journey Students is a time of separate programming for middle and high school students where we help students engage with Jesus and His Word. Join us this fall for a time of fellowship and fun!
A Day in the Life
Leader: Tony Hardin
The world is full of countless models to follow for daily living. But there is one that stands above all else. Join me as we study His life as a model to achieve closeness to Christ.
Financial Peace University
Leaders: John & Humaira Dale
Financial Peace University is a 10-week course that will teach group members how to save for emergencies, pay off debt fast, spend wisely, and invest for their future while being in an environment of accountability and encouragement. If you want to live in a place of financial freedom, then this group is for you.
**The cost for this group is $50.
From Pain to Purpose
Leaders: Tami Pearce & Emily Hausfeld
When trauma, tragedy, or major life transitions occur, the valley you’re left to face can be difficult to navigate. This group is a proven pathway to help you remove the debris of crisis in your life, repair the broken pieces left in its wake, rebuild a solid foundation, and move forward with a renewed sense of purpose and victory.
**The cost for this group is $25.
Gospel-Centered Parenting
Leader: Eric Rice
This study will challenge and equip you to be a parent who lives and acts out faith in God. Living by faith is about trusting in Jesus and depending on him for help, hope, direction, and wisdom as we parent. Together we will learn from the insights and experiences of other parents and receive encouragement. Join us as we study Scripture, pray, and experience Gospel growth together.
The Book of Romans
Leaders: Duncan Gardiner & Graham Smith
In Paul’s letter to the Church at Rome, we will learn about the conflicts present between Jewish and non-Jewish believers centered around the Old Testament law. We will also learn about the role of faith including an understanding of how all Christians are made right with God only through Jesus, along with the Holy Spirit’s impact on the life of a believer.
For more information or to register for a "My Journey" Group,
please contact Eric at Eric@journeyky.church or 859-873-7421.